都立高校に入りたい、日本語を母語としない親子のための、都立高校進学ガイダンス Guidance for entering a metropolitan high school for parents and children whose native language is not Japanese who want to enter a metropolitan high school
There is a guidance for entering metropolitan high schools in Tokyo!
日時(にちじ) = 2025年(ねん) 1月(がつ) 13日(にち) 午後(ごご) 1時(じ)30分(ぷん) から 午後(ごご)3時(じ)30分(ぷん)
Date and time = January 13th, 2025 Afternoon meal 1:30 p.m. to Afternoon meal 3:30 p.m.
会場(かいじょう) = 江戸川(えどがわ)区(く) 小松川(こまつがわ) さくらホール
Venue information = Edogawa Edogawa Ward Komatsugawa Komatsugawa Sakura Hall
参加(さんか)費(ひ) = 無料(むりょう)
Participation Fee = Free
主催 NPO法人全国国際教育協会
Sponsored by Japan Association for Global Education.
対象児童 Children eligible for the system
This is a system for children with foreign roots who have lived in Tokyo within three years of coming to Japan.
If you are interested, please contact them.
東京での高校生活 High school Life in Tokyo
There are several high schools in Tokyo that you can enroll in depending on your academic ability, even if you have trouble with Japanese.
Studying itself is very important in order to become an adult and participate in society.
And above all, it should be really fun.
Furthermore, the relationships that students form with their teachers and friends in high school are sure to enrich each individual's life.
If you are even slightly interested, please ask them! Please don't give up because you think it's difficult to go to higher education in Japan because you can't speak Japanese!
そんな人を知っている方は教えてあげてほしい!一言、声をかけるだけ! 「こんな情報を見たよ!」…と
If you know someone like that, please let him/her know!
Just say one word! "I saw this information! …"
We want many children, both those with foreign roots and the Japanese children who will develop global friendships each other in a highschool in Japan, to think that high school life in Japan was the best.
Please spread this information.