As of December 2024, more than 50 children are studying at “Minato Glocal”.
The grades range from 1st grade in elementary school to 3rd grade in junior high school.
There are many students who are studying "composition'' and revising lessons at "English, Japanese, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies" in preparation for the Japanese high school entrance exam. Every children is really excellent!
However, almost all children start by studying "Hiragana".
「あいうえお かきくけこ」を学(まな)ぶ時、子どもたちはどんな事を考(かんが)えているのか!?良く思い悩(なや)みます。
What kind of things are children thinking when learning “AIUEO KaKiKuKeKo”?, I think about it a lot.
Children in the lower grades of elementary school usually enjoy studying "Hiragana" from first class.
一緒(いっしょ)に「あいうえお かきくけこ」を読んで、「凄(すご)いな!もう出来(でき)たね!」と言うだけで喜(よろこ)んでくれます。
They will be happy just by reading "AIUEO KaKiKuKeKo" together and saying, "That's amazing! You've already done it!"
The 50-note "Hiragana" map shown on the screen uses colorful hand-drawn pictures of animals so that children don't get bored easily.
Also, we move the picture to attract the child's attention.
The speed at which children in lower grades memorize "AIUEO'' is clearly faster than adults.
The difficult ones are the upper grades of elementary school and junior high school students.
家庭(かてい)の事情(じじょう)で日本に来た子どもたちは「なぜ、今更(いまさら)『あいうえお かきくけこ』を勉強しなければ!?」と疑問(ぎもん)を抱(いだ)きながら勉強しなければいけません。
Such children who came to Japan for family reasons wonder, "Why I need to study ""AIUEO KaKiKuKeKo'' now!?", and/however they should study it while having doubts.
There are three things I particularly value when studying with them.
- 平仮名を母音(ぼおん)と子音(しいん)に分けて、例えば「か」は「KA」、「つ」は「TU」と教(おし)えます。発音(はつおん)が聞(き)き取(と)れない時、うまく発音できない時の一つのガイドとして教えると自分で勉強が出来ます。
Divide "Hiragana" into vowels and consonants. For example, I teach "か'' as "K + A'' and "つ'' as ”T + U.''
When they can't listen to the pronunciation or can't pronounce it well in Japanese, you can teach it as a guide so they can study them by themselves. - 平仮名の勉強の大切さを教えること。平仮名が出来ないとレッスンで説明(せつめい)されたことがわからないし、漢字(かんじ)を読(よ)む勉強も、文法(ぶんぽう)の理解(りかい)も出来ません。これはとても大切、やる気を持(も)たせる第一歩(だいいっぽ)です。
Next, for them, I try to teach the importance of studying "Hiragana".
If you can't read "Hiragana", you won't be able to understand what's explained in lessons, and you won't be able to learn to read "Kanji" or understand grammar.
This explanation is very important and is the first step in building motivation for them. - そして沢山(たくさん)、読ませます。最初(さいしょ)は同(おな)じ様(よう)な文章(ぶんしょう)の一部(いちぶ)を変更(へんこう)したものを!
And at the end I try to have them to read a lot, with writing Japanese sentence in "Hiragana" on the screen, in front of their eyes, very very quickly.
Especially at first, it's a similar sentence with some changes! If that happens, it seems that "Hiragana" will naturally become established for them.
I am moved and somewhat surprised to remember that such children who are studying composition in Japanese for entrance exams had started to study "Hiragana''in "Minato Glocal" just a little over a year before.
自分は大学の時から40年近く、英語や中国語を勉強したけれど、相変(あいか)わらず全(まった)くダメ! 中国語で作文なんて夢(ゆめ)のまた夢(ゆめ)! でも子どもたちは出来(でき)るのです。
I've been studying English and Chinese for nearly 40 years since I was in University, but I still can't do it at all! I still don't think I can write an essay in Chinese now and near the future. But children can do it.
Of course, I have no intention of calling this the power of "Minato Glocal.''
It is the fruit of the efforts of each child, their family, and their school.
However, there are many children who continue to study in "Minato Glocal" for a long time!
I'd like to think that it might be of some help for a lot of children from now on still!