みなとGlocal 2025年3月スケジュール
Minato Glocal Schedule in March (2025/3)

March, the season of graduation and new starts!
3月は卒業と旅立ちの季節! 日本では桜を感じてお祝いします!
March is the season of graduation and departure!
In Japan, we celebrate by feeling the cherry blossoms!
What does spring look like in your country? ?
リアル・イベント (3月23日(日))
Real Event (March 23rd/Sun)
In March, we will try a real event on the 23rd (Sun).
Our teachers are thinking of various plans this time as well.
We will also introduce games that will help you learn Japanese, and manufacturing, and Japanese culture.
If you have time, please come and visit us with your family!
みなとGlocal リアルイベント 2025.3.23
こんにちは!みなとGlocalの尾崎です。Hello!My name is Ozaki and I am a Japanese Teacher at "Minato Glocal".3月23日(日)にみなとGlocalの […]
For those who will be taking a break from lessons
starting in February
なお3月、レッスン を お休(やす)み される 方(かた) は 2月25日 まで に 教(おし) えて 下(くだ)さい。
Please let us know by February 25th if you will be absent from lessons in March.
子どもたち と 先生方(せんせいがた) との スケジュール を 調整(ちょうせい) します。
Coordinate schedules with children and teachers.
Another school year is coming up soon!
あと2ヶ月 で 新(しん)学期(がっき)。 皆(みな)さん、一(ひと)つ 学年(がくねん) が 上(あ)がり ます。
The new semester starts in two months. Everyone is going up one grade.
今(いま) の うちに、勉強(べんきょう) したい 事(こと) はドンドン 言(い)ってね!
Please tell me what you want to study now!
みなとGlocal MInato Glocal
岩渕 拡嗣 Koji Iwabuchi